sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Sen Yoktun

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFQpREC9BSM&version=3&hl=es_ES&rel=0]

14 comentarios:

  1. Thanks Dear Dasha for sharing.. :up: STAY WİTH LOVEGitmelerim gelir bazen..Herşeyi bir anda silebilecekcesaretim, azda olsa var.Ama korkarım hep kendimden..Gelmelerimde, gider bazen..Bazıları, durumuma estirikliveya biraz arızalı diyorlar.Keşke gölgemide alıp,gelebilsen peşimden...OFS

  2. probably, I remember this song or video...

    butI was there...

  3. Yes, because is the song that You and Nina like, and I make this video for She with love & respect.Thank You dear Marmarali for your nice picture and words here and in youtube too. Because with the poem that You share in this siteI make a video for You too.

  4. Originally posted by wazquecme:Gitmelerim gelir bazen..Herşeyi bir anda silebilecekcesaretim, azda olsa var.Ama korkarım hep kendimden..Gelmelerimde, gider bazen..Bazıları, durumuma estirikliveya biraz arızalı diyorlar.Keşke gölgemide alıp,gelebilsen peşimden...OFSThanks my dear friend for share here, You always beautifulpoem, with special words ....I´m glad see U here, I not see U a long time, how are U??Stay with love always.

  5. Originally posted by wooj:Woowooj # Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:36:55 AMThanks dear Woo is wonderful the song and the picture also, Thanks for your nice comments. Have a bless sunday

  6. Pienso que una vida dedicada a la música es una vida bellamente empleada, y es a eso a lo que he dedicado la mía.

  7. Originally posted by wooj:Woowooj # Sunday, April 15, 2012 9:42:00 AMOh thanks, I´m glad that you return again John :king: :) :up:

  8. Originally posted by albertopablo:PABLO ALBERTO MORALES albertopablo # Domingo, 15 de abril 2012 09:51:38 AMTodo lo que es arte es bello, Y es grato saber Pabloque la música es tu vida. Bendiciones

  9. El que escucha música siente que su soledad, de repente, se puebla.

  10. Thank you Dear Dasha :love: I'm fine, as you know, there ...I can not participate in many things these days intense :( But like the great shares.. :) :up: :flirt: STAY WİTH LOVE :heart:

  11. I hope You can soon, share with Us your beautiful tastefor the music .... I´m glad that You are fine. Take care pls.Nota: I love the pic that you put, You have the poem forthe bird that you write for share me?? I do not know, if you remember, of all the poem that you write, perhaps You forget... :(

  12. tsk ederim dasha / name john or :king: [again] /please? :yes:

  13. Stay still looking the flowers they are waving at you! :)

  14. dasha :queen: is beautiful in all compartments .. :yes: http://www.youtube.com/embed/gO4436ZV3yg :coffee:
