sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

The Album DefJam Did Not Want You To Have

The album Defjam did not want you to have. 5 years in the making, but if you ask Bruse Wane it was more like a life time. Many obstacles had to be over come to bring you the Hip-Hop fan this album; including a last ditch smear campaign by Defjam and one of Hip-Hop's biggest media sites AllHipHop.Com. To prevent you the listener from getting an album that promotes more than self hate, materialism and illuminati paganism.

The Dark Knight Album Is Out Now Download It On I-Tunes & Amazon

8 comentarios:

  1. Music is good..the best classical...... :):):)..I'm old lady..61 years...:):):)

  2. Anonymous writes:Album is sick..

  3. Od osoba koje su skrivene....komentare ne prihacam...dakle svi mogu slusati sto zele...ti nemas ime,nemas godine,nemas lice i za mene ne postojis....ja volim mlade i postujem njihove afinitete....moja ljubav je klasicna glazba i tko si ti da kazes "sick-bolesno"a NE POSTOJIS,NEMA TE...KAD SE NADJES JAVI MI SE....OK.....

  4. Anonymous writes:Great Music.

  5. Anonymous writes:Stone Age

  6. :(...i do not like anything anononymously,maybe your'e from the stone age,,,,:( ...i have anonymous ruened my life ..ok.
