jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Sümer Ezgü - Anadolu'dan Geldik

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHcI4xVUMVU&version=3&hl=en_US]

6 comentarios:

  1. Thanks my dear Marmarali, I´m glad when You share a music, because You are a man of the world of the music, and You know a lot about music .. LUNOTA: I can not understand the lyric, but I love the music and I can see the children when game, reminds me of my childhood

  2. Anadolu'dan GeldikBozkırlardan, yaylalardan, kıyılardan, ovalardan,Derelerden, tepelerden, Anadolu’dan geldik!Yaylalarda yiğitlerin harman olduğu,Güzellerin cilvelenip kısmet bulduğu,Analarının yüreğinin yanık olduğu,Anadolu’dan geldik!Dağlardan ilham alırız, topraktan fidan alırız,Fidanda orman görürüz, Anadolu’dan geldik!Kavimlerle biz yerleştik,Et tırnak olduk kaynaştık,Törelerle biz paylaştık,Anadolu’dan geldik!Komşusunua güvenip de kilit vurmayan,Karnı toksa aç olana lokma yollayan,Misafire döşşek verip kendi yatmayan,Anadolu’dan geldik!Atalara selam olsun, ozanlara kelam olsun,Bu dünyaya selam olsun, Anadolu’dan geldik!Sıyrılıp kibiri attık,Olgun başak gibi yattık,Hamdık piştik tövbe ettik,Anadolu’dan geldik!Eflatun da bizden dostlar Yunus da bizden,Bektaş Veli Dergahı’nda coşanlar bizden,Çağrısında Mevlana’ya koşanlar bizden,Anadolu’dan geldik!Uygarlığa beşik olduk, inançlara eşit oldukSevdalara çeşit olduk, Anadolu’dan geldik!Türkiye’lim unutma sen, açan gülü kurutma sen,Bizi bize darıltma sen, Anadolu’dan geldik!Kardeş kavgasına kurban gittik de n’oldu,Aynı topraklarda düşman durduk da n’oldu,37 cana cana kıydık da n’oldu,Anadolu’dan geldik!Ekmeğin peşinden koştuk, gurbetin suyunu içtik,Diyardan diyara göçtük, Anadolu’dan geldik!Bedel başlık parasına, güdülen kan davasınaKarşı çıktık hakçasına, Anadolu’dan geldik!Cehaleti aşmak gerek, sırtı sırta çatmak gerek,Hep ileri gitmek gerek, Anadolu’dan geldik!

  3. Thank dear Marmarali for share the lyric of this nicesong ... very beautiful words Have a nice and blessing weekend my dear friend :love:

  4. I hope you understand the lyrics.Anatolia given the name of the territory of Turkey

  5. Yes, I understand dear Marmarali, Thank you.Have a beautiful day and a blessing new week**************************************************The history of Anatolia encompasses the region known as Anatolia (Turkish: Anadolu), known by the Latin name of Asia Minor, considered to be the westernmost extent of Asia. Geographically it encompasses the central uplands of modern Turkey, from the coastal plain of the Aegean Sea east to the mountains on the Armenian border and from the narrow coast of the Black Sea south to the Taurus mountains and Mediterranean coast.The earliest cultures in Anatolia were Stone Age artifacts, while the remnants of Bronze Age civilizations such as the Hattians, provide examples of the lives of its citizens and their trade. After the fall of the Hittites, new states such as Phrygia and Lydia appeared on the western coast as Greek civilization began to flourish.The growing Persian kingdom eventually absorbed them. Following the Persian invasion, its expansionism brought it into conflict with the Greek monarch Alexander the Great who successfully expelled the Persians. Although he brought an end to the Persian Empire, his reign was short and his empire broke up on his death. Most of Anatolia eventually fell under the Seleucid Empire, the largest of Alexander's territories, but they were driven back by the Romans by 191 BC, most of their lands returning to local kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Pergamum. Roman control gradually strengthened carving out provinces from the Anatolian lands, but the Roman Empire was weakened by successive civil wars and barbarian invasions. These resulted in periodic divisions of the empire.In the Fourth Century AD, during the reign of Constantine the Great, a new eastern empire was established with its capital at Constantinople, referred to by historians as the Byzantine Empire. It succeeded initially due to its vast wealth and judicious rulers, but soon suffered from widespread neglect and a new empire borne from the earlier Mongol advance, the Turks. The armies of the Seljuk and Ilkhanate gradually overran the vital trading centers under scope of Byzantine influence. The Ottoman Turks, under the command of Sultan Mehmet II, finally destroyed the Byzantine Empire when they conquered Constantinople in 1453.The Ottoman Empire in Anatolia allowed other religions to maintain themselves long after 1453, and built upon their success by enlarging their territories, from North Africa to Europe beyond Thrace, reaching its peak under Suleiman the Magnificent (1520–66). Wars with Russia and other peoples in revolt, including the Balkans and Greece (1821–32), prevented the Ottomans from taking advantage of their powerful position, and declined under ineffective leadership. Even their highly skilled army, the Janissaries, were eventually disbanded in 1826 after an attempted revolt. Reforms designed to improve the economy backfired as burdensome taxes and levies turned away profitable trade, and desperation allowed the Empire to be sucked into World War I on the side of Germany and Austria. Following their defeat in the war, the Ottoman Empire was carved up and was now limited to Anatolia proper, but Greek aims in the region caused new tensions that boiled over into full-scale war (1919–22). It was this war that allowed Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to make Anatolia into the new Republic of Turkey by defeating the Greeks and abolishing the Ottoman government for good in 1922.

  6. You're a super woman, you like research and learning.Thank you for this information.
