sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

Buscando tu rostro / Poema by Rumi

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOmH5v7SLwI&version=3&hl=es_ES&autoplay=1]

3 comentarios:

  1. Desde el inicio de mi vidahe buscado tu rostro,pero hoy lo he visto.Hoy he vistoel encanto, la belleza,la gracia inconmensurabledel rostro que buscaba....Hoy te he encontrado.y aquellos que ayer rierony se burlaron,hoy se arrepientende no haber buscado como yo.Estoy deslumbradopor la magnificencia de tu bellezay deseo verte con cien ojos....Mi corazón se ha consumido en la llama de la pasióny ha buscado por siempreesta belleza asombrosa que ahora contemplo.Me avergüenzallamar a este amor humanoy temo a Dios si lo llamo divino....Tu aliento fraganteComo la brisa matinalha llegado a la quietud del jardín.Has soplado nueva vida en mi.Me he vuelto tu soly tu sombra....Mi alma clama en éxtasis.Cada fibra de mi serestá enamorada de ti.Tu resplandorha encendido una llama en mi corazón....La tierra y el cielo,mi flecha del amorha llegado al blanco.Estoy bajo el techo de la clemenciay mi corazón es recinto de oración......RUMI, Deepak Chopra.

  2. LOOKING FOR YOUR FACEFrom the beginning of my lifeI have been looking for your facebut today I have seen itToday I have seenthe charm, the beauty,the unfathomable graceof the facethat I was looking forToday I have found youand those who laughedand scorned me yesterdayare sorry that they were not lookingas I didI am bewildered by the magnificenceof your beautyand wish to see youwith a hundred eyesMy heart has burned with passionand has searched foreverfor this wondrous beautythat I now beholdI am ashamedto call this love humanand afraid of Godto call it divineYour fragrant breathlike the morning breezehas come to the stillness of the gardenYou have breathed new life into meI have become your sunshineand also your shadowMy soul is screaming in ecstacyEvery fiber of my beingis in love with youYour efflugencehas lit a fire in my heartfor methe earth and skyMy arrow of lovehas arrived at the targetI am in the house of mercyand my heartis a place of prayerRUMI Poems of Passion

  3. The Meaning of LoveBoth light and shadoware the dance of Love.Love has no cause;it is the astrolabe of God’s secrets.Lover and Loving are inseparableand timeless. Although I may try to describe Lovewhen I experience it I am speechless.Although I may try to write about LoveI am rendered helpless;my pen breaks and the paper slips awayat the ineffable placewhere Lover, Loving and Loved are one. Every moment is made gloriousby the light of Love...
